Free Play Academy Newsletter #8
What will be covered: Dedicated to Yale Men’s Lacrosse.
1. Leading with humility.
2. The Yale Lacrosse Process.
3. How they turned a perceived disadvantage and turned it into an advantage.
Leading with humility.
At Yale, in 2017, Ben Reeves had just been an all-american and was a finalist for the tewaaraton as a sophomore. When he came back on campus his junior year, his ego was blown sky high. He was toxic to the team and his teammates didn’t enjoy being around him, described by Coach Shay.
So what Coach Shay did, which took a pair of iron balls, was he sat Ben Reeves down after fall ball and essentially gave him an ultimatum, “quit because we don’t need you and you’ll miss us a lot more than we’ll miss you OR clean up your act” and simply walked out his office.
Ben was shook and, described by Coach Shay, saw a bit of fear in his eyes he’d never seem before.
Nonetheless it worked, Ben Reeves was a hell of a teammate therefore after and became an incredible leader.
Led Yale to their National championship in 2018..
The Yale Lacrosse Process.
Inspired by a sport psychologist, Brian Kane (
He worked with the program, in the early 2010s, and taught Coach Andy Shay the value of not worrying about the end result but instead to worry about getting better everyday.
To the granular level that is all they focus on now. To teach each play as an opportunity to get better. Period.
How they turned a perceived disadvantage and turned it into an advantage.
Ivy League rules limit the number of practices in fall ball pretty severely, but allow individual & player driven practices. Official practices with the entire team & coaches do not start until the 1st week of February.
This is the perceived disadvantage for Yale Lacrosse.
However, this has become their greatest asset.
By forcing the program to have an environment conducive to a player-led culture.
Player-led cultures = championship cultures.
This is the secret. This is turning a perceived disadvantage & turning it into an advantage.
“When coaches are at practice, we can take too much of the reigns..we are careful to allow our guys to teach each other, coach each other & give them the opportunity to lead in an organic setting.” - Yale Head Coach Andy Shay
With the lack of official team activities in the off-season & right up to the official start of the season, it has forced the players to get together on their own.
The players of Yale Lacrosse see the program as truly theirs.
Ownership, by necessity, has developed in the players.
Where ownership goes, performance follows.
The Free Game
The part of lacrosse that is played with the mind.
What will be covered are the 8 Principles of Performance.
Any lacrosse player can own the 1st ever sport psychology methodology specific to the game of Lacrosse.
This purchase will include a FREE consultation with Coach McDonnell via in-person or Zoom.
Here is a preview.
The cost is $24.99
You can purchase The Free Game here.
Lean in, do the work, stay focused and become uncommon.
Have a great week.